Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cotton Candy Machine

[THIS POST HAS BEEN ADDED LATER, MUCH LATER, today's date is december 6 2011. the originial post had no words, only a title "cotton candy machine" but i wanted to write this memory down before i forget because it was a very pleasant one.

i think i had a sleepover at susy's house, we woke up early because we had to volunteer at an elementary school in her neighborhood to get hours for national honor society. there was a festival of some sort and susy and i were in charge of working the cotton candy machine. it was hilarious. we had never made cotton candy before and it was so much fun! susy took over sales and i made the cotton candy, dipping the paper cone in the whirling machine until it was covered with enough fluff. i kept changing colors and flavors and we actually enjoyed the volunteering. jordan vaa and tg wignall were volunteering too and i remember talking with them a lot which made me happy because i had a huge crush on jordan and was attracted to tj as well. when we got back to susy's house our shirts were stiff from all the crystalized sugar, and our eyebrows and eyelashes were frosted pink. our hair felt like it was covered in hairspray. we took and shower together and it took FOREVER to get it all off. that was a fun day in high school, i iwsh i had written about it at the time instead of recalling the events 4years later.]

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